Our Story

Hi, I'm Chris.

I started woodworking in 2015 and my journey began, like many with this hobby, in a furniture store. I was in Denver looking for a console table for our house and said the classic line: “I could build that for half the price!”

Well 6 months later and at 4x the cost of the table in the store, I had in fact built it and more notably... I had a new hobby.

The first project was a walnut veneer plywood console table (photo below) and the next thing I knew I was restoring vintage hand planes, milling rough cut walnut, and loving every minute of it.

Most tools I picked up used or at Home Depot with the occasional McGuckin purchase (shoutout Boulder, CO!) but the one item that always frustrated me was sanding discs.

Maybe a year or so in, I was building an end grain cutting board… haven’t we all? I bought a Bosch random orbital sander which became my new best friend / worst enemy. I picked up a pack of sanding discs at Home Depot and was pretty surprised by the cost, but by this point I was accustomed to things in this world being more expensive than expected.

Like hardwood lumber... holy sticker shock batman!

That said, I was burning through this stuff like it was going out of style. Plus it was impossible to find anything over 220 grit locally and the perfectionist in me wasn't going to be satisfied if the finish on my board was anything short of 320. So I bought a box of 320 grit on Amazon and experienced the same poor quality.

It seemed ridiculous in this day in age to be dealing with sandpaper that clogs up and tears so easily. I was certain there had to be a better option.

So down the rabbit hole I went…

Through months of late nights and early mornings researching, testing, sanding, sanding, and more sanding, I had gotten to know the the highs and lows of the coated abrasives world (plus received a crash course in global supply chain logistics). We developed relationships and forged a strong manufacturing partnership with a product we were proud to put out in the world and thus, Serious Grit was born.

Several years have passed but our focus remains the same.

We exist to improve the sanding experience for makers and we do it through a relentless focus on quality with a commitment to availability and affordability.

We invite you to try our paper and we sincerely hope that it makes your next project go more smoothly.

Pun intended.

Experience The Serious Grit Difference


5" 8 Hole Hook & Loop Sanding Discs

From $19.99 $21.95



6" 15 Hole Hook & Loop Sanding Discs

From $22.99 $24.95
